Week Total: 36.3k
Month Total: 297.4k
Year Total: 604.2k
Time: 2hr 14.57min
Av pace: 6.23min/km
AHR: 142; MHR: 185
Av Temp: 14.3*c (6.01am)
Rel. Humidity Av: 100%
Wind Spd Avg: 6.9kph (ESE); fog
Started with: Revelations - Audioslave
Finished with: Taillights fade - Buffalo Tom
Canberra experienced a super cell thunderstorm Tuesday night - the light and sound show was amazing. Fortunately we never experienced the deluge of hail that Cook, Aranda and inner north got. Below is a photo of the pool carpark in Civic covered in hail, on Wednesday morning.
Anyway, Wednesday morning is when I do my medium long run, heading out to Black Mt Nature Park via the back of Cook and Aranda. I hit fog at the top of Springvale Dve which made running rather challenging as I couldn't see too far ahead and the surface was muddy and slippery. Still I persevered, running very cautiously. As I ran through the back of Cook my feet sunk in what I though was a pile of matted grass but instead I found myself ankle deep in hailstones. This was to happen several times while running through the nature park. So running was now hampered not only by fog and slippery muddy conditions but also hailstones, and lots of them. And running on hailstones can prove to be rather tricky. So probably not the wisest of runs to do a week out from SFT but miraculously I managed to stay upright the entire way. There may have been some quickstepping and wobbles happening but I stayed upright!
Running back towards home I could see that traffic conditions were going to be horrendous - cars were backed up for kilometres and on streets where it is normally free flowing. This had happened because several major roads had been closed due to the thunderstorms. Still I thought that by the time I was ready to leave for work traffic would have eased. Fat chance!
Another day; another run
Thursday Total: 9k
Week Total: 45.3k
Month Total: 9k
Year Total: 613.2k
Time: 53.45min
Av pace: 5.58min/km
AHR: 131; MHR: 184
Av Temp: 14*c (6.02am)
Rel. Humidity Av: 96.3%
Wind Spd Avg: 8.1kph (ESE); shallow fog
Started with: Hunting for Witches - Bloc Party
Finished with: The kids aren't alright - Offspring
If I ran any slower I'd be going backwards. My easy runs have definitely been white runs this week; but then again there have been a couple of black runs as well. A dodgy stomach (no thanks to the antibiotics) meant that it was a short, disrupted run.
Tomorrow: rest day
Saturday: long run (relatively speaking)
Sunday: my birthday!!! Buon compleanno!
Crazy woman running in that! I think you should take note of the song on Ewen's blog ;-)
Wow - what an amazing run - you will be ready if it snows on Pluvio on March 10 :-)
Happy Birthday for Sunday.
Enjoy some Coffee, and comtemplate what the next week will bring.
Taper, Taper, Taper.
Yep, that was one extraordinary storm but what a gem of a day we had today (Friday).
Happy Birthday for Sunday from me too.
Well, I guess if the Cox's freezes over, practising to run in that could come in handy.
Buon compleanno per domenica CJ! Non osservate un giorno oltre trenta nove :)
If it snows at Six Foot next week, I'll be stuffed!
Happy birthday for tomorrow CJ. Hope you have a wonderful day - see you next weekend!
what a hear for you, happy bidet to you. 4/3/7? why it's a math sentence. how lucky are you!!!?
next time ditch the run and get a flat piece of plastic and sliiiiide!
happy birthday for tomorrow ..... get all that weather stuff out of the way before the marathon
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