Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Long run, monthly run and easy run

Saturday 28 Oct – long run

It had been beautiful weather all week (apart from the odd thunderstorm) and then for Saturday they were forecasting a top of 14*c. Not quite sure what to expect when I woke Saturday morning but it actually didn’t look too bad, though it was cold. The long run was out at the Cotter again – we ran the course we did 2 weeks ago but in reverse so Mt McDonald was at the end of the run. Apparently we ran a mixture of up the 18 and down 21 mile. At least this time the only walking, for me, happened while going up Mt McDonald. The weather at this point had also deteriorated and it was cold and windy – fortunately we ran most of it with the wind behind us.

Distance – 27.8km
Time – 2hr 38.33min
Av pace – 5.42min/km
AHR – 154; MHR – 174

Sunday 29 Oct – monthly vets run

Distance – 8km
Time – 37.25min
Av pace – 4.39min/km
AHR – 165; MHR – 205
Starting group - 27
Place - 49

After yesterday’s long run I wasn’t sure how I’d pull up for this run, the next day. Surprisingly I felt ok though a little tired. Could be the fact I went to bed late, had to put clocks forward one hour and then get up early. The run wasn’t too bad – its actually downhill for the first few kms. The return trip was a bit harder – its more uphill and my legs were feeling tired by now. I wore my ipod for this race – something I don’t usually do for these runs, but I needed something to take my mind off how I felt and it worked! Had coffee afterwards with Strewth, Barb, Marg and Mr CJ.

Monday 30 Oct – Gym and easy run

The start of another week. This meant gymming before work and then I ran an easy 12km after work. Actually, while it was an easy run ie no major uphills, it still took me at least 6km to get into my stride.

Distance – 12km
Time – 67.10min
Av pace – 5.36min/km
AHR – 146; MHR – 192

Today – gym again.
Tomorrow – hilly run (probably Mt Taylor) before work
After work – yoga

I’m tired…………….

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Never say never!

Thursday evening - track
Event - 3,000m
Time - 12.59
Av pace - 4.06min/km
AHR - 168; MHR - 202

I know, I know....I always said I would never do track. I'm not that keen on running round in circles. So what on earth was I thinking, showing up for the second track event for the season on Thursday evening? Because it was suggested that it would be good speedwork for SFT. The things I do! And it would seem that I had let plenty of people know about my feelings for track because there were lots of second looks and comments that evening!

Anyway I ran the early 3,000m event and it wasn't so bad. Started slowly, had a bit of a chat with Strewth, paced myself and finished strongly. It was ok. So I will be back.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Monday, October 23, 2006

Bull’s Head Challenge

Official Results
Distance – 27.7km
Time – 1hr 59.27min
Av pace – 4.18min/km
AHR – 165; MHR - 188

Thankfully it was a lot nicer day on Sunday for the Brindabella Classic/Bulls Head Challenge races compared to Saturday which was cold, grey and about 13degrees. Headed out to the Cotter to catch the bus up to the start at Bull’s Head, where the race would start at 10am. However we had a bit of a wait for the bus to arrive back from the first trip up, and so the race start was changed to 10.10am. Then there was a dash to the toilet and the stripping off long sleeved tops before heading to the start. Saw the front runners of the Brindabella Classic come through just before our start. Then we were off and any thoughts of feeling cold disappeared (it was a bit chilly) as I negotiated my way downhill. I am not the best of downhill runners and it takes me a while to get in my stride so had plenty of people pass me to begin with. It actually took me a while to get in my stride – probably not until after the first drinks station, about the 7km mark I think.

It’s a great run initially – running along wide trails surrounded by trees with the light filtering through. Didn’t see anyone for ages and just assumed I was going the right way when I would come along a box of water sachets with a box to throw discarded sachets in next to it. Jackie Fairweather rode past on a mountain bike at some stage and yelled out some encouraging words – that was nice. Otherwise it was just me and my ipod. Every now and then I would catch a glimpse of runners way ahead of me. Running past the last relay change point was great – lots of people and cheering and clapping.

Finally came to Vanitys crossing. I waded across, had a drink and then I was off again – slowly uphill. I told myself to just take it easy and slowly, but no matter what, I wasn’t going to walk. This seemed to work as I made it up all the hills without slowing to a walk at all – so very very pleased with that. It took me about 30min to get from Vanitys to the finish line. I finished strongly, again an improvement on last year.

Who knows – maybe (take note – maybe) I might try the Brindabella Classic next year?!

Today I decided to miss my regular Monday morning gym session and instead have a bit of a sleep-in (until 6.30am!).
pm – an easy run after work

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Breakfast with Jen

l-r: Jen, Strewth, me

After a wonderful breakfast at da Cellini where the cappuccinos have grated chocolate on top!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Jen is coming!

Only one more sleep and then Strewth and I will be having brekkie with Jen...here in Canberra... tomorrow morning! Can't wait!

And then Sunday its Bulls Head Challenge - hope the weather is good. Last year it was sunny and actually got quite warm. As long as its not as hot as last Saturday I will be ok. It doesn't start until 10am and I won't finish until after 12noon. Last year I think my time was 2hr 16.51min and I had no idea what the course was like. Come to think of it, maybe its better not to know!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Oh, and I went to the gym this morning for the usual - back/bis/abs session.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Small steps

Wednesday morning – hilly run
It was a warm and muggy morning early on, before the rain started albeit far too briefly. It was an early start (4.30am) so I could start at 5am and finish in time to have breakfast, shower and still get to work at a decent time. I have to say there’s nothing like a 15km hilly run before breakfast to work up an appetite so consequently all day yesterday when I wasn’t eating I was thinking about eating!
Distance – 15km
Time – 89.21min
Av pace – 5.57min/km
AHR – 148; MHR – 176

Yesterday afternoon it was back to yoga for the final term for this year. Polly, our teacher, said that even when we are struggling to balance (as we were all wobbling on one leg with the other leg up in the air at a 45degree angle – some were more successful at this than others), we are still learning and that yoga is a series of small steps. I took heart at this because I wobbled through every standing pose, struggled with the twisting poses but somehow found some semblance of poise when it came to the shoulder stand!

This morning I did an easy run before brekkie with Mr B. I really appreciate the flatter courses after running hilly ones at least twice a week!
Distance – 12km
Time – 63.34min
Av pace – 5.18min/km
AHR – 147; MHR – 167
I am not going the first track and field session for the season which is on tonight – my hamstring is feeling a lot better so I don’t want to tempt fate considering I do have BHC on Sunday. Maybe next week, but then again ACT Cross Country’s spring series starts next Tuesday. Decisions, decisions.

gym session – back/bis/abs

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Yes, no, I don’t know!

All day I have been thinking of reasons why I can't go swimming tonight after work. Its quite pathetic really when I think about it. If I don't want to swim then don't. But then this other little nagging voice (saint CJ can be such a pain) starts going on about how much better I would feel, that I've packed my swimming bag, and that skipping it for a week will have dire consequences for my swimming (however my swimming is pretty dire anyway!). And so on and so on it goes, all day.

I did go to the gym this morning for a legs and shoulder session. However, my right hamstring is a little tender and so I skipped the exercises that focused on this area. I'm sure it will be fine; I'm just being super cautious. However I did notice that my energy levels were also pretty low and it took me forever to get through my session.

Actually, just reading back at what I've written I have decided that a night off, vegging out on the couch and an early night is probably what I need so........no swimming!!!!! And another thing, I have been craving sweet stuff all day - if anyone had dared opened a chocolate bar near me I swear I would have devoured it before they had time to blink.

Yesterday after work I went for a 12km run.
Time - 64.17min
Av pace - 5.21min/km
AHR - 142; MHR - 224

15km hilly run
pm: yoga (a couple of weeks off from yoga and I am so stiff, so this will be an interesting class!)

Monday, October 16, 2006

The start of another week already?!

The weeks are flying by at an alarming pace.

Wednesday afternoon 11/10
Back to the gym after work for 40mins cardio comprising 20mins on the stepper followed by 20mins on the crosstrainer. Next week I will be back at yoga – not as sweaty but sometimes just as strenuous.

Thursday 12/10
A day off for me but no sleeping in. Ran a very slow interval run – 6 x 2.30min intervals (1min RI).
Distance – 5.7km
Time – 30.20min
Av pace – 5.17min/km
AHR – 147; MHR – 214.
Then it was off to meet Strewth for brekkie at Red Belly Black. Spent the afternoon sitting out on the front deck reading.

Friday 13/10
Off to the gym for a back/biceps and abs session before work. And exercise-wise that was it for the day!

Saturday 14/10
The day started for me with a long run out at Stromlo. It very nearly didn’t happen because I got the meeting place wrong and it was only through luck that I decided to drive a bit further down the road after realising no-one was going to show up where I had parked. Anyway the run started with Mt McDonald – about a 35-40min grind uphill with spectacular views at the top. It was already feeling very warm with not a cloud in the sky and no shade whatsoever. Then it was onwards and ever upwards though to be completely honest there were also downhills and flat bits. However by the 17km mark I was pretty much feeling like crap and doing quite a bit of walking. At Vanity’s we stopped and I stood in the water for a while – bliss! Then we ran (I walked most uphill bits) the final 6km or so of the Brindabella Classic (I will be running Bulls Head Challenge next week which is the last half of the BC course). Back at the Cotter I stood in the water again (bliss) until my foot started cramping – a sign it was time to get out. It was a hard run and I did a lot of walking but at least now I know what sort of work I have to put in for SFT and I have a program.
Distance – 24.2km
Time – 2hr 30.07min
Av pace – 6.11min/km
AHR – 162; MHR – 188

Sunday 15/10
Rest day. Went to Kingston markets in the morning and then later in the day Strewth and Mr B came around for afternoon tea.

Week one of SFT program and it was gym this morning – chest/triceps and abs session. Will do an easy run of about 12km after work.

"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop" — Confucius

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I did go swimming last night and swam a kilometre in total. I used a program from the Zoggs site (http://www.swim4fitness.com.au/home) - the triathlon module. It consisted of:
Aim – general aerobic fitness
Warm up
100m freestyle as 25m long stroke, 25m high elbows
Main set
4 x 50m f/s thinking about good technique (10sec RI)
4 x 50m f/s with pull buoy (10sec RI)
4 x 50m f/s swimming at firm pace (15sec RI)
Cool down
100m easy swim down

This morning it was the usual – up at 5am, breakfast, go to the gym for a legs, shoulders plus abs session before work.
Clairie wondered whether coffee upset me before a run – not a chance Clairie! I love my coffee and can’t function without it. I know, that’s pretty sad but I could have far worse addictions! I think I pretty much have a cast iron stomach! ;-)
We will be staying at Island Beach Resort, Broadbeach, from January 3 – 8. Woo hoo – can’t wait. Please don’t tell me it’s a rat infested dive!!!! (actually please do!)
Ihatetoast – the idea of going in search of cocoa bean delights sounds perfectly wonderful to me!

This afternoon I will be back in the gym for a 20min stepper / 20min crosstrainer session. This is good as I have just had far too much delicious blueberry strudel at a farewell afternoon tea for a work colleague. ;-)

Interval run before breakfast with Strewth
Swim in the evening.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Another week, another day….

But same old, same old: work, gym, running, swimming (well that’s the theory).

Monday – was back to the gym. I had set my alarm for 5am but woke with a start at 5.30am so breakfast was a rush to get to the gym at the designated time. Body felt fine from Saturday’s long run.

After work I was back in the gym for a hard 30min cycle before hitting the showers and going home for a very much looked forward to dinner. Then spent the rest of the night trying to book Gold Coast accommodation for early January – huh! Booked flights no problem but it appears that I’m behind the eight ball when it comes to accommodation – everything seems to be booked! Finally found something, booked online and went to bed feeling very pleased with myself.

This morning – running 16km before breakfast is a challenge, notwithstanding the fact that it entails getting up at 4.30am so I can be out the door at 5am (have to have that coffee first).
Distance – 16km
Time – 83.11min
Average pace – 5.14min/km
AHR – 149; MHR – 173

If I’d known what the traffic would be like this morning maybe I would have been better off running to work – it would’ve been quicker. Road works slowed traffic down considerably on William Hovell Dve and Glenloch Interchange. Finally get to work.

Get to work to discover that my online accommodation booking was cancelled – seems like they were booked out. !@#$%^&* Back on the net, look for accommodation yet again and *fingers crossed* I have accommodation.

After work – I’m planning on swimming at CISAC before going home. That’s the plan anyway.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Just another hill or two...or three....or.....

This morning I was meeting Strewth, Margaret and Barb for a long run around Mt Ainslie. Mr B also came along for the run.
Distance - 19.5km
Time - 2hr 28sec
Av pace - 6.11min/km
AHR - 142; MHR - 176

We began by running the Vets Mt Ainslie course and what I was noticing was there weren't that many 'hills' - I'm not talking little undulations but 'real' hills. It wasn't until we got to that last big hill near the end of the (Vets) Mt Ainslie run that I felt that yes, I was running up a real hill. So once we all had made it to the top, discussion ensued about where to go next. I was eyeing off an uphill rise to my right (heading towards Majura) but instead we decided to go to our left (towards Mt Ainslie). There were some more undulations and a steep, very rocky downhill section until we reached a point where it looked like the path was heading downhill. However, to my left was a rocky path leading..you guessed it...up, up and up. Mr B looked at me as if I was joking...hah! After saying goodbye to Margaret and Barb, who were doing a shorter run, we headed up the steep and rocky path. It was steep, no doubt about it, and at one point I had to say to Mr B, who was trying to have a conversation, that I couldn't talk and run at the same time! However, once at the top, we realised that it was really only a small hill and that Mt Ainslie still towered above us. So we headed off again, first down and out on to the road leading up to Mt Ainslie, and then it was decided that we would run up to the top. And what a great view there was once we got to the top, and up the steps.

After a breather and something to drink (it was actually quite warm by now) it was back down the hill until we reached a point where we followed a path back into the nature park and that would eventually take us back to where our cars were parked. On the way I amused myself by looking for trails that lead more directly up to Mt Ainslie and telling Strewth and Mr B we would run up those next time. I have a feeling I won't be asked to come along to many future runs!

Friday - gym day and it was back, biceps and abs.

Thursday - I did an interval run before breakfast with Strewth.
Distance - 6k
Time - 31.05min
Av pace - 5.11min/km
AHR - 156; MHR - 203

Wednesday - I had planned on running the BBQ Stakes at luchtime but my computer and the database program I was working in decided to have a meltdown. This meant I didn't go anywhere but slowly seethe at my desk as the program corrupted and crashed my computer. Not happy!
However, I managed to go for a run after work and boy, did I need it to de-stress.
Distance - 8km
Time - 41.47min
Av pace - 5.13min/km
AHR - 149; MHR - 169

Tomorrow (Sunday) - rest day. Looking forward to it.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ouch, ouch, ouch!

That was me in the shower after Monday’s run when the water hit the chafing on chafing on my lower back from where my drink belt sits. Ouch, ouch, very sore.

After Saturday morning’s hilly run, the thrilling one point win by the Eagles (yay!) in the afternoon, and dinner with friends at Bella Vista that evening, I was exhausted by the time we got home. I crashed on the lounge and woke up sometime after midnight and then headed off to bed to sleep some more. I love my bed!

Sunday, I was pretty much tired all day and my calves were feeling very tight. Lucky it was my rest day. Apart from coffee with Mr CJ at Oaks Brasserie and then a wander through Yarralumla Nursery, I didn’t really do a lot.

Monday, I ventured out for a run as Mr CJ had gone fishing for the day.
Distance – 15.8km
Time – 82.30min
Av pace – 5.12min/km
AHR – 155; MHR – 186
Calves were still feeling a little tight but didn’t bother me running. I bought new runners yesterday (Asics GT 2100s) so this was an opportunity to break them in. There were no hills to speak of, it was really just a gentle meander around part of Lake Ginninderra and back home via the cycle path. It was really warm – I think it was about 24degrees, and that is something I am not used to – running in warm weather. Hence the need for my water belt though it chafed on top of chafing I got on Saturday..ouch!

Tuesday – back to work so it was up at 5am, have breakfast and then hit the gym for a chest/triceps and abs session before work.

After work I decided to shock my body by going for a swim. It was a pretty slow 1,000m (22.34min) but enjoyable (well as enjoyable as swimming will ever get for me).

Today – up at 5am, have breakfast, back to the gym…this is starting to sound like Groundhog Day! It was a leg and shoulders session followed by ab exercises. Now I just want to go back to bed. However I have decided to run the BBQ Stakes at lunchtime so my running bag is packed and my new shoes are raring to go..shame about the runner though!