Monday, April 06, 2009

The agony & the ecstasy

Actually I recall the agony during my osteo appointment but not the ecstasy - unless you count when she stopped the ITB massage.

I presented at the osteopathy clinic this afternoon for my appointment, feeling slightly worse for wear after yesterday's run. My lower back was sore, as was my left hip and hamstring. The ITB is ok as long as I don't run. After relating my tale of woe (ie yesterday's run) the osteopath focused on my ITB and lower back, and so the agony began. I'm not quite sure what was more painful - deep massage into the belly of the ITB, massaging right along the edge of ITB or the elbow into the ITB, or for the fact that it lasted for about 40 minutes. It was one jelly leg when I did eventually stand up! I return for another ITB massage on Thursday and for another one next Thursday - something to look forward to - not!

Then its in the lap of the gods. Che sera, sera.
"What you focus on expands."
- Buddha


strewth said...

OWWWWW!!! I will keep everything crossed for you!

Two Fruits said...

Pain is Ok as long as the problem is going to be fixed. Hang in there, you learn something new every day, mostly what not to do. Go long not short. Get better, run slow and run longer, some nice ultras in Qld later this year. No speed required.

Ewen said...

I'll have what she's having.

Toasty said...

She aint just a fruit, she's two fruits for sure. Alert security I'm heading for Canberra. Double the guards Katy the Entertainer is coming too and has been working on props tonight.

Lulu said...

I know how it feels! I hope it does the trick and we see you at the start on Sunday. We are coming down to spectate and cheer and will arrive Sat afternoon. See you there!

Ewen said...

So how did you go?

Two Fruits said...

Ewen, you need to read Strewth's blog to find out how CJ went. " Awesome" or similar or " Medal winner!!".