Friday, February 16, 2007

Una maratona mezza*

Friday Total: 21.1k
Week Total: 41.1k
Month Total: 178.6k
Year Total: 485.4k

Time: 2hr 11.46min
Av pace: 6.15min/km
AHR: 145; MHR: 171
Av Temp: 14.6*c (5.50am)
Rel. Humidity Av: 90.3%
Wind Spd Avg: 8.5kph (ESE)
Started with: DOA - Foo Fighters
Finished with: I was alive - The Whitlams

I normally run this on Wednesdays but this week has been a bit arse about, training-wise, because of the technicolour knee. Also I plan on having a rest day tomorrow because I'm running in the 19km Mt Tennent event on Sunday.

Its staying darker for longer in the mornings so it was closer to 6am by the time I set off this morning. I ran at a very easy pace today and all in all it was a very pleasant run. Not only did I manage to stay upright the entire way, I also ran the half marathon distance! All before work!

Ewen - You wrote "spero che il gelato gli renda il grasso". Spero che la torta di formaggio gli dia il indigestion! Il titolo della mia entrata del blog si e riferito al mio funzionamento non all'azienda che notte.

*A half marathon.


Jen said...

Yah! So glad to hear that your knee is better - there will be no stopping you now in 3 weeks time!

Ewen said...

Signora giovane molto divertente! Siete un comedian? La mia torta di formaggio era perfetta! Spero che non cadiate domani sopra!

Tesso said...

A free online translation service gave me this -

Ewen ...
"I hope that the ice cream the fat one give back him".

CJ ...
"I hope that the cake of cheese the god the indigestion! The title of my entry of the blog itself and reported to my operation not to the business that night."

Ewen ...
"Young lady very amusing! You are a comedian? My cake of cheese was perfect! I hope that you do not fall tomorrow above!"

For $65 they will translate it professionally. I wouldn't even pay $1, the unprofessional translation is way more fun!