Today's session - long run
Distance - 20km
Time - 1hr 46.13min
Av pace - 5.19min/km
AHR - 157; MHR - 179
This morning was a glorious morning - blue skies, no wind, and not cold. Spring has sprung! And I decided to do my old long run route out at Stromlo. I hadn't done this run since before the marathon. I had forgotten how undulating this course is as I ran up my umpteenth hill. The goal however was to run up Gunbarrel hill - a long steep hill at the furthest point from where I started my run on Cotter Rd. I also noticed that a lot of work is happening that involves big machinery, and lots of grading. I hope this doesn't mean that I am going to lose one of my fave running routes.
Anyway before me loomed Gunbarrel Hill - I had forgotten how looong and steep it was. After stopping for a quick breather I set off slowly up, up, up the hill. The first part of the hill is not too bad but after the halfway point it becomes very steep. I struggled on, feeling my heart rate skyrocketing at this point but hey, it must be doing me some good! Soon I was at the top and surveying the surrounding scenery - it really was a great view of Lake Burley Griffin, across to Campbell Offices. Then I was off again - no rest for the wicked! On the way back I was running downwind from the zoo - very whiffy this morning!
All in all, I was happy with my run considering I haven't done this course for yonks and it is quite hilly in parts. It was also unseasonably warm this morning - I was feeling very hot while running.
Same old, same old - gym session - chest and triceps. I had increased my weights and I am definitely feeling it today (Saturday).
I went for a swim for the first time in months and it was a shock to the system! For the first 500m I wasn't sure whether I was sinking or swimming and I felt uncoordinated. Goodness knows what I looked like! However I managed 1km in 22min - so plenty of work to do there.
Went out to lunch with some work buddies - Bec, Carolynne and Anita. It was so relaxing to just sit and talk and forget about work for a little while. We are planning to have another lunch next week out at Pialligo - should be great.
After work I went for a 46min run which involved 5 x 5min intervals with a 2min RI. I ran a total of 9k in 46.53min, an average pace of 5.10min/km. While I don't usually run in the afternoon (I am definitely a morning person when it comes to cardio) it actually wasn't too bad. And the great thing is that it is staying lighter for longer. Bring on daylight saving!
Gym session - legs and shoulders workout. Then it was out to lunch with friends who used to work in our Branch but had moved to a new branch a couple of months ago. It was a girly lunch so we all had worn dresses or skirts (I almost always wear long pants to work until about the middle of summer!)
After work I had yoga and we did shoulderstand, head stand (with help) and handstand (also with help) plus what seemed like endless repetitions of leg poses such as Warrior pose and Triangle pose (can't think of the sanskrit terms).
To all the dads out there - have a wonderful Fathers Day tomorrow!
"If you want to win something, run one hundred metres. If you want to experience something, run a marathon" - Zatopek
That is a top Zatopek quote! I may borrow it one day.
You've been busy, I love the TOP of hills too!
I want to win something but I can't do it over 100 metres!
The Gunbarrel is a classic hill. I hope it stays there after all the renovations in the forest.
As usual it looks like you've put in a good week's training. Nice now spring is here too!
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